
Finding Our School Rhythm

Just a little update on schooling Kaden...wow has things changed.  I'm impressed with his willingness to compromise and actually do his work.  Right now we are only doing a few hours a day.  But, I figure that's better then nothing.  Honestly what does he truly need to know in life?  
I make sure he reads some really good books, biographys, classics and wholesome stories filled with struggles, hard work and values.  Of course he also reads other books too, it's all about balance.  We are also working through some left and right brain puzzle books, vocabulary words and whatever review items I'm doing at the moment.  Oh and chess, checkers or other logic/strategy game.
Since we will be moving in the rv soon I have tons of books and work that we will work through in 2 huge Rubbermaid bins.  I told him this is the year we will catch up in all the areas we are behind in.
I truly believe something just finally clicked with him.  It's like he has matured to a place that he has stopped fighting school time and sees it as a necessity or requirement.  Before he would fight me so hard that it was too easy to just give in.  It could also be that he is more stable and not melting down 10 times a day too.  I have more mental strength because I'm not whittled down to the bone with stress.
School is looking good, finally we have a rhythm and it only took 7 years.  :)

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