
Letting Go of the Stronghold

I'm kind of in a little funk today.  Maybe it's the several days of rainy weather, my achy joints or just the fact that I was reminded today that yes God is still in control no matter how hard we fight to be the head of command.  This is just a jumble of random thoughts, worries and eventually acceptance. 
For me I feel like a conductor of an orchestra, standing tall in front of my life that consists of my family, my work, social media, the world, my health..... And I lean to the left and lean to the right making sure all my ducks are in a row and the music sounds as beautiful as I want it to at least seem.  

And all is going somewhat smoothly until piece by piece begins to play a different tune or nothing at all.  It starts sounding like nothing I ever heard before and I panic...retreat...scramble, until I realize the music is still playing and will go on with or without me conducting.  If I set myself to the side and truly listen it sounds more beautiful then I ever could have conducted on my own.  This is God's song, his story and when I release my stronghold on it it's magical.

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