
A Little Bit of Jesus will Fill You Up!

We were a tad late to church and the music was playing and I stood there like many times before alone in my heart.  But, this time was different, I knew who I was, I knew who created me and loved me.  This next hour wasn’t going to be about making me better to please a human man.  This was my time to connect with the one and only true living God and nothing was going to disturb my time at his table.  I was hungry and he was preparing a huge meal just for me!!!!  The next song caught me by surprise, but it assured me that I was where I was supposed to be.

At this one foster home I was allowed to go to this youth group club thing like 3 or 4 times…..And this song was played each night and sometimes they played it twice.  I still remember the room being thick with the Holy Spirit….I would leave that place floating and Nothing could take me down.  I remember that was the Summer I asked the Lord into my heart….they played this song at our church back in 1991, I fell to my knees in tears with a trembling heart as my soul cracked open and I received Redemption, Salvation and Everlasting Life!!!!  Thank You JESUS!!!!!!  Fast forward to yesterday I was standing and the music began flowing from the speakers and this song enveloped me like a Father’s warm hug and all my worries left me and I didn’t think of Anything except my Jesus.  Tears wouldn’t stop streaming down my face as layers and layers of the world were stripped away from me.  I became lighter as the words to this song lifted me up closer and closer to my God and it felt like a private communion.  I knew at that moment as the song continued on playing that this was a sign from God that I remember that closeness to him.  That he is there with me and has forever been right by my side.  I had put my Husband’s acceptance on a pedestal over the years, it became a priority to make life pleasing to him.  To put him before all other things, including God.  I longed for my Husband’s approval, his smile of acceptance and love.  I even saw yesterday how I put my Husband’s addiction on a pedestal, glorifying hurtful slip-ups and proud milestones.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m forever proud of my Husband’s hard work against his demon…..but, Man will disappoint you my Friends…..God never will.  And I was reminded of that yesterday, I will NEVER take my eyes off of him again.

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