Could You use an Extra Hour in your Homeschool Day? I know I sure can and I can't wait to tell You how I found that Extra Hour and plus some! I recently was accepted on the Schoolhouse Review Crew and was given my First Review Assignment. I'm Thrilled to say it is something I have eyed for some time now while reading about it in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, which is it's parent company. Yearly Membership Option is an Online Homeschooling Tool for Parent-Led Education. It's a Resource that Supplies 100's of Lessons for Kiddos in Pre-School all the way through High school. You can use this to Build or Add to your Current Homeschool Curriculum. The Best way to Explain it would be to say it's like having Access to Your Own Online Homeschool Co-op. It's so User Friendly and allows You to have tons of Topics, all Organized and planned out for you right at Your Fingertips. We are always on the Go and take Our Schooling on the Road most days, so One of my many Favorite Features for my Family is that I can use anytime and anywhere by Phone or my Kiddo's Android Tablet. So, I'm not limited by being stuck at the Kitchen table.
I have been Diving deep into the Archives and enjoying my Opportunity to Use this New Resource. It is such a Blessing, because I Normally spend So much time searching Websites and putting together ideas and projects that will fit both my Kiddos needs and interests. Mahala is almost in High school and Kaden has Special needs. And when I say Special I mean he is all over the board Academically. Honestly that is the Hardest part of Homeschooling for me. So, now instead of re-tweaking an Age appropriate project for him I can Simply scroll through the already prepared for me Lessons on I save at least an Hour a day in my Preparations for the following day. Now I can Spend all that Prep-time on what really extra cup of Coffee and My Family. :)
Everyday as soon as I grab my Huge Cup of Coffee and wait for my Computer to Awaken I have been clicking the Schoolhouse Dailies Section. There I can Start my Kiddos with a few Quick Lessons to Jump Start their Day....especially on those days I'm Dragging out of the bed. Some of my Favorite Sections here is The Everyday Astronomy, Kinetic Connections, Daily Grammar, Everyday Explorers, Schoolhouse Spelling, Everyday Easels, Ditch the Desk and Simply Shakespeare. There are so Many more, but these are the Ones that My Family has incorporated into Their Day so far. My Kiddos actually Ask me to do "The Dailies" while we eat Breakfast. What more can I say, it Makes a Momma Smile! :)
Kaden's been Enjoying the Kinetic Connections under the Schoolhouse Dailies. And can I just Scream how much I Love this portion. If you have a Kiddo on the Spectrum or that has Sensory Learning needs this is a Gold Mine. Just being able to pick and choose at your Kiddos Level and Current Interest is a Gold Mine in of itself already when You have a Kiddo with Autism.

Here we made some Pine cone Trees that we found in the Kinetic Connections Christmas Section. And the House still smells Yummy from the Cinnamon Dough Ornaments we made. That can easily be located under Homegrown Preschool. You will find Many Sensory Satisfying Activities there. Kaden has also been Learning about the Winter Weather and letting his Sensory Needs go Wild thanks to Erin Dean! And we can't forget about the long walks looking for Lichens and Mosses with the Nature/Outdoors Unit study. I will admit that right now we have more Samples of the ground and leaves neatly inside little Baggies then probably needed. But, the Smile on his face as he was "doing" school outside in the Fresh air was Priceless. Both Kids, especially Mahala enjoyed doing Paper Plate Illusions in Science with Jason Lindsay. I Seriously could go on and on about the ways my Family has Benefited so far from using the well thought out Lessons on
Mahala has been into Photography and Interested in learning about making Short Films. So, when I saw the Young Filmmakers Series
by George Escobar I was probably more excited to show her then I was
when I found my Favorite "Mommy's Special Cookies" on Sale a few weeks
ago. The Series was Designed to go at Your own Pace. We need that,
because we already have a Full Load every single Homeschooling Day.
But, this fits nicely between her History Hour and Free Time!!!! :)
Since I have only been using this Treasure Box for a few weeks I have a long list of Gems to Put on my Kiddos Educational Plate after the Holidays. Here is a Little Preview of What they have to Look forward to.
For Mahala she's Excited to learn more about:
* Photography
* Computer Science
* Spanish
* Studio Art
Kaden has Picked out a few Courses for his Wish List:
* Classical Archeology
* Chemistry
* Spanish
* Nature/Outdoors
So, I know you Must be wondering how You can Offer this to Your Family and how much it will cost.
First of all, You can Try it out with a first month’s subscription to for just $3! After that, it's only $12.95 per month. That includes the unlimited ”classes” and Organized lesson plans. You can also take 10% off and purchase an entire year at once for Only $139! This Price includes all lessons, Tons of e-books, Several Specialized Schoolhouse Planners, and many other Downloadable Teaching and Educational products that Your Whole Family will use. Remember, this is a FAMILY MEMBERSHIP....Everyone Will Use it! :)
*And if you purchase in the month of December(2013) you will get an extra membership to gift to a friend and a 2014 print issue of the Schoolhouse Library (US only) when it is released. How awesome to be able to Bless another Family with this Quality and Valuable Tool Box!!
*Want to learn more about everything has to offer? I highly recommend taking their free online video tour.
Make Sure You go and Connect With
The Old Schoolhouse

Thank you so much for your kind words about my Nature Study/Outdoors classes -it made my day! I love the site myself and I'm thrilled to be a part of it!