
On Vacation, gave Lupus the Keys

What has my life been like these past few months?  Crazy and hectic during the Holidays and now we are in that Lazzzzy mode.  Where if we brush our teeth we feel like we deserve like some kind of recognition.  Am I proud of that???? No, heck no, but that's where we are right now.
I think the past few years we have been up in the air with health junk, getting a house or not getting a house and Kaden's Autism that we are just burnt out.  Not to mention Skylar graduates this year and that kind of puts me in the hot seat as a homeschooling Mom.  And then we have Mahala and all her softball glory that takes up more time then I swear a half marathon would.
Should I complain?????  No, but if you are reading this you might think I am just a bit.  I think I'm mainly in this mood because I'm stuck in the bed and have been for like FOUR days already because my Body has decided to go on Vacation and left the keys with Lupus!

Enough with that.... kind of went crazzzzy.  Speaking of crazy I at least have been able to finish the 1st season of Abby's dance competition and the beginning of her newest season.  I know she's crazy, but I can't help but feel a bit of kinship with her.  Mahala I swear looked at me yesterday and said she reminded her of me just a tad....you know when I'm in a mood.  I wasn't sure if I should bop her on the head or smile and act un-crazy.  I chose to smile and look un-crazy, but mainly because my legs were wrapped with heat packs.
Kaden Taking a Pic of You!!


  1. I am hopping by from Mosaic Reviews to say HI and to follow your blog. I look forward to starting this exciting journey and becoming one of your new readers! See you around. :-D ~Elyse / Oiralinde

  2. Anonymous1/19/2013

    HUGS! I do not have lupos but a good friend of mine does. and it affects her lungs, bad. She is a homeschooling mama too!

  3. Hi Elyse, so excited to get to know you too!!! We are going to have a lot of fun being on the Review team!!! :D

  4. Lovehisname, thank you for the hug, you can never have too may of those! Lupus stinks that's for sure...... :)
