
Momma Time...it's a Must!

What does this look like to you???????
This is the Glorious wonder called "The Teenage Driver".  If I have a hankering for a snack from the local Walgreens.....call Skylar!  If I forgot to pick up onions and garlic for tonight's dinner.....holler upstairs to Skylar.  In the bathroom and realized that YES, ONCE AGAIN THERE IS NO TOILET PAPER......take out the cell phone to call Skylar that's playing video games downstairs.
Do you see a pattern here?  Yes, Thank God Skylar can drive!!!!  Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!!

Right now Mahala and Skylar are out watching a movie and stalking the stores at the Mall.  This allowed me to spend some quality fun time with Kaden....Love that little guy.  It's always nice to have one on one time with him when I can.  Homeschooling doesn't always make that the easiest thing in the world to do.  So it's important for me to carve out time for each of the kids to have individual Momma time....even when they don't want it!  HAHAHAHA


  1. Love this post!! My oldest is almost 12 and I can't wait till he's driving and can go get milk!! ;-)

  2. At first I was hesitant....but know I send him off with a list!!! :D HAHAHAHA
