
YWAM Publishing ~ REVIEW

We enjoy unit based studies in our homeschool and try often to incorporate real life stories along with topics that we are interested in to create these unit studies.  One way we achieve this easily is to use books from YWAM Publishing.  

Recently, we received Heroes of History- Milton Hershey from their Heroes of History series.  Geared towards ages 10 and up.  We have used and reviewed many titles from this series and their other one, Christian Heroes: Then & Now.
We also were given a convenient downloadable PDF Study Guide, that made planning and learning super easy for me.    

YWAM Publishing offers so many amazing quality biographies and unit studies on Christian Heroes and Heroes from History. 

Christian Heroes: Then and Now
Betty Green, C.S. Lewis, David Livingstone, Lottie Moon, Gladys Aylward, Jacob DeShazer, Isobel Kuhn, Eric Liddell and many more.

Heroes of History
Christopher Columbus, William Bradford, Captain John Smith, William Penn, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Meriwether Lewis, George Washington Carver, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harriet Tubman, Douglas MacArthur and so many more!

What I love about these books and study guides is the ability to really make these our own.  Having a child on the spectrum I am used to customizing and supplementing our curriculum.  The study guides are filled with comprehension questions, geography/maps, research topics, timeline, hands-on projects, art, writing and more included in these study guides. 

Kaden was the one who read about Milton Hershey and was truly touched by his story.  He read the whole book in two days.  One of the interesting things was reading about the Mennonites and how they helped his family.  We recently discovered on my Dad's side of the family many years ago they were Mennonites that came from Germany.  It was also neat to see Milton's dreams grow or should I say sweetened at the Centennial International Exhibition.  Kaden was introduced to the Great Depression, we had not ever disused this time frame before.  I think he was able to see in a new light the blessing and ease of our lives today as we learned about rations and some of the struggles people went through daily.  Kaden said we take a lot for granted today.  And he learned that you should never give up, work though your disappointments towards your dream and take help when you need it. 

So, what did we think?  We enjoyed the book very much, just like all the others we have read.  Each book comes filled with so many life lessons and morsels of wisdom tucked in them.  Kaden said he was most surprised in Mr. Hershey's childhood and that the first job was in an ice cream shop and learned how to make caramels that eventually sparked his desire to make more money by jumping on the chocolate bandwagon....pretty sweet story.  

Kaden and I ended up going through the questions orally.  And completed most of the activities mainly focusing on the history of the time period.  We had family in from the East Coast, so we plan to go back through the study guide and pick out a few activities to complete and revisit.  Ones he chose to do is head to the chocolate shop in a town close to us and watch them make chocolates.  We are going to revamp an old caramel recipe and try to make them and he wants to finish his timeline.  
I honestly think any family can benefit from having this collection of books on their shelves. And I look forward to adding to our library throughout the coming years.  Make sure you Connect with YWAM Publishing on Social Media and click below to see what other reviewers had to say about Milton Hershey and other Heroes.
Study Guides - Christian Heroes Then & Now & Heroes of History {YWAM Publishing Reviews}
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