I've never been a big Halloween person, if I want some candy, I'll just go hit up Target and pick up a bag. Funny thing is out of my 3 kiddos, my youngest said to me last year...why don't you buy me a huge bag of sour gummies, one of those big kitkats and a pack of bubble gum and we can skip trick or treating. Then you don't have to buy or make me a costume or hand out candy to strangers, I get the exact candy I want and nobody has to eat peppermints and tootsie rolls till Easter. Yeah, I think he may have picked that up from my good strong DNA, but, what about the other kiddos. I am that house that hands out stickers, pencils, rulers and little notepads. But, this year I have found something I can totally get on board with and even Kaden is super excited!! We were given Is There Anything Better Than Candy? Box-Tract from Let the Little Children Come.
You get 20 per pack and the Price varies based on how many Packs you order:
$15.95 (1 - 10 packs)
$14.95 (11 - 20 packs)
$13.95 (21 packs or more)
$14.95 (11 - 20 packs)
$13.95 (21 packs or more)
We received our package and right away I was impressed with the sturdy cardstock the box tract was made out of. I loved that the simple instructions along with great diagrams to further assist you in making these cute little pumpkins were conveniently printed right along the sides of what you were making.
So, there is no waste and nothing to juggle while making them. We already sat around the table and made a few waiting to do more as it gets closer to October. They are so easy to put together, you just put flap 1 and 4 together to make a stem and then fold up each of the other flaps and insert the stem through it's little cut out slit. We plan to fill with a few chocolates and hand them out. I'm actually hoping Kaden will feel comfortable to do this. Being on the Autism Spectrum he struggles through the holidays especially Halloween. This will change the focus for him completely.
I plan to do this every year from now on, this is a great way to share a little bit of the word to the next generation. I think this would be a great way to share the Gospel with people during the fall season. If you visit at people at nursing homes, hospitals, any volunteer work you do or even hand out to teachers and business owners you frequently run into. These are geared to give to children because of the simple way it's written, but adults that haven't heard the Gospel are still going to be touched. Once put together they are about 2" tall and 3" wide, so you could put some small cookies, doughnut holes or another small treat. But, we all know what the real treat is....the message.
Make sure you Connect today with Let the Little Children Come on Facebook.
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