
More than a Vacation

We have been super excited and trying to muster up some patience as we wait for our RV to arrive.  Yes, we did it....in just a few short months we will be going cross country spreading our wings.  This has been a dream of mine since I was a young girl.  The only glitch is Skylar, my oldest will not be able to come along. :(  But, that's ok Mahala and I plan to record and document it all so that he feels like he was right there with us. 

This trip is more then just a vacation, we plan to find our "new" home.  We have decided it's time to get out of Suburbia and dig our heals deep into the dirt....God's dirt.  We are putting it into God's hands and honestly have No preference or idea as to where our "new" home will be.  We just trust that when we get there we will know.  We have nowhere to be and no ties to try and keep.  The whole Family will take the move with us....Skylar and his Wife included.

So, lot's of changes to come in the near future...now to start planing for the trip.  The first thing I did was requested Travel and State Guides from each of the states we will be visiting....all 32 of them.  And they are coming in by the truck load, I wonder what our Mail Person is thinking?  Most states have been super generous and we have more then enough information to plan the most exciting trip ever!  We have local calendars, brochures for museums, shopping and entertainment.  All the camp grounds and theme park locations.  Not to forget the festivals and Summer festivities going on in all the small towns we will be going through.  I'm giddy just thinking about this New Adventure we are about to start.  

If you have any travel ideas, sight-seeing opportunities that we can't miss send them to me.  We will leave CA in the end of July and head East until September and then head back out West. :)

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