Since Kaden was like 3 the last time we camped there it was like a whole new world to him. He was in his element that's for sure. Not once did he say he wanted his tablet, computer, tv or that he was bored. He climbed trees, played with sticks, found bugs and made friends with the squirrels. He was on an adventure from the moment his eyes opened and he was usually the first to crawl into the tent at the end of the day. That boy was worn out every single day!

Since Kaden has very little interest in things he tends to sit in corners and read or play on his tablet. The tv is kind of new to him, some time late last year I was flipping through the channels and he saw Spongebob. Life has never been the same, he can recite every single episode......oh the horror!!! So, in order to give him another look at like I really want to bring him away from technology and back to nature and all things unplugged. We will see how it goes....say some prayers.
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