We received access to a Family course from FreedomProject Education and the book, Mother, Should I Trust the Government? Let me tell you a little about FreedomProject Education (FPE). It's an accredited classical education academy with a philosophy based on a Judeo-Christian worldview. They are also highly opposed to the whole Common Core situation. They want to teach students how to think, not what to think. Which is exactly how we feel about education. They also believe in the importance of us being “wise as serpents and harmless as doves”. I have that posted up on my classroom wall right now. Love this saying! FPE offers classical, constitution based education to kiddos in K- 12th grade with an online classroom environment. I'm a very eclectic homeschooling Mom, so I was nervous about the class structure from the beginning. The kids and I were able to participate in one of their Family Classes for the past few months. They offer these in addition to their regular classes. Take a quick LOOK HERE at the 2015 classes coming up.
Here is a video to tell you a little more about FPE.
The class we took, Mother Should I Trust the Government is based on the book with the same title. What a title, at least we wouldn't forget the name. :) The class was an 8 week course intended for ages 13 and up and was taught by the Author of the book, Dr. Jake Jacobs. This was really neat, to not only be able to read what the book, but to also have the opportunity to be involved in a discussion with the author himself.
Each of the online sessions were once a week for 2 hours. Getting into the class was super easy and effortless. I would receive an email each week with a link. Afterwards I would get a link to the recording of the class from the week before. This was very convenient, because class time was during the same time I was cooking dinner and eating. And honestly I liked being able to go back later and revisiting certain places in my notes to clarify what was being discussed or taught. I am a pencil and paper type of person, so is Mahala. So, even though I'm sure 99% of the rest of the class loved having the Powerpoint presentation and chat features, but it was distracting for us and that's why we loved being able to go back over the sessions later.
When we received the book in the mail, we found a few surprises too. Included with the book was a small paperback of The Declaration of Independance and Constitution, as well as two bonus discs from FreedomProject Education: “Who Owns Your Children?” and “Common Core”. Thank You!!! I have to go on the record and I know I have said this before, but I totally goofed off in High School. So, most of the History I know right now has been from learning right beside my kiddos. I was intimidated from the moment I saw the book, but was pleasantly surprised. The way the Author writes is so nonthreatening and once I heard his voice during the class I felt like we were sitting around the porch sipping iced tea. Don't get me wrong....he knows what he's teaching. You are not going to be bored to death while he rattles off facts and figures. I'm just saying he is a wise approachable teacher! I learned so much and I have a notebook of notes to prove it. Even Skylar enjoyed and learned a lot. He is in the process now of going back through the recorded sessions. I will definitely be signing up for more online classes in the future, this was a great experience for the whole family.
Connect with FreedomProject Education online:

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