
HomeSchool Office from Lord Heritage ~ REVIEW


The mission of Lord Heritage is to preserve and teach
God's Truth in education by following His
commandments in instruction so that,
"All thy children shall be taught of the Lord;
and great shall be the peace of thy children."
Isaiah 54:13

We all know organization and keeping to a schedule is not my thing.  I want it to be my thing so bad, but it's going to take some Major work!  Lord Heritage has Blessed me with a full year subscription to their All-In-One Christian based program called HomeSchool Office for me to Review.  Now, to see if this will work even on me.....

This Web-based program brings a one size fits all basket of sunshine to the party.  No matter what your teaching style is, the curriculum you use or how many Kiddos you have this program was designed to work right along with you...for you.  It's pretty affordable too, only $79 for the entire year.   Imagine being able to schedule both your home and school life all in one central location and that would be your computer with access to it 24/7.  Sounds pretty dreamy to me, I for one am tired of toting multiple planners and notebooks in my arms.  I have Always been a paper and pencil kind of girl, but maybe now is my chance to venture out into brighter horizons.  


HomeSchool Office allows you to create reports, organize and plan projects, maintain a grading system as well as create high school transcripts.  I really could have used that help when Skylar graduated and I was getting together his transcripts for college.  Now that Mahala has entered High school I have to keep better track of all that she does throughout the year.  So, it seems like with this program you will be able to have everything you need to operate your homeschool with success.
The HomeSchool Office follows a logic based system that originates from our Heavenly Father that is recalled and shared through the Bible. 
Here is a clever acronym that represents each section in the program ~ P.O.W.E.R

Plan - Jeremiah 29:11 The Lord was a planner and therefore this program allows you to Plan your heart out.
  • Plan subject goals and objectives
  • Build a master schedule
  • Setup lessons
  • Create projects for home or groups
  • Lay out your school budget
Order - Corinthians 14:40  Lord Heritage encourages Parents to keep both house and school in order and not a place of confusion and chaos.
  • Schedule lessons
  • Integrate home & school activities
  • Setup important reminders
  • Create customized lists
Work - John 17:4 It is so important to have great work ethic and to complete all tasks Big or Small with a Happy heart like you were doing it for the Glory of God. 
  • Provide student access
  • View/print individual schedules
  • Follow daily lessons
  • Manage to do lists
Evaluate - Matthew 28:20 They remind us how the Lord encourages and maintains a personal relationship with each of us.  This is what we have to strive and achieve with our own children.
  • Manage requirement for state compliance
  • Oversee daily attendance
  • Track hours per subject
  • Maintain grading per subject
Report - Romans 14:12We need to strive to be held accountable and to establish proof of the work we say we have accomplished.
  • Comply with state regulations
  • Customize reports
  • Generate transcripts


I've been utilizing the HomeSchool Office for a few weeks now.  And there are so many areas that I see now where I need to improve.  I've been called to Homeschool my Kiddos and I know I have a lot of work ahead of me.  I totally Believe in everything Lord Heritage promotes.  I just had a really hard time finding the time to put everything into the system.  My day flip flops at a moments notice.  Between Kaden's Autism, my Lupus and the lifestyle that comes with both of these life changers most of the time my day doesn't even start out the way I had it planned.  
Setting up the Plan and Order sections weren't so hard, because I know what subjects we have and what needs to be done around the house and with school.  The getting it all in and actually referring back to it through out the day is where I started feeling inadequate.  I was thrilled to at least have the option to print the daily schedules out, but I can't help but think for me writing it out is much faster then inputting it and then printing it each week or day.  Work and Evaluate were both nice to have a clear cut format of what needed to be done and how to keep tabs that everything was getting accomplished.  My Favorite part of the whole program was the Evaluate section with Work being a close 2nd.  The Report section is really not needed in my state, only for my own personal reasons would I use this and of course for college transcripts it would be very helpful.

Would I use this Program for my Family long term?  
No, but only because I think it really takes a logic thinking, organized or Type A personality person to keep this up and running.  I can't even keep up with social media without needing assistance.  Don't laugh please! :)  I'm too "fly by the seat of my pants" to be able to do this day in and day out.  But, I do see the value and I do plan on using the rest of my year to try and become more organized and less like a Texas Tornado.  I want to have a plan and peace amongst my Kiddos as they learn.  I want them to be able to predict what their day will be like.  I'm a work in progress.  

Right now you can give the HomeSchool Office a try with no obligation.  Enjoy a free trial for 30 days.

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