
Little Ones

Simple things made us happy when we are kids.  A new box of crayons could have put a smile on our face at 4 year olds, like a hundred dollar bill in our hand would today.  Kids see joy in things that older people just walk right past.  A cardboard box gave Kaden days of enjoyment while my husband couldn't wait to toss it out on recycling day.  By the way I snatched it out of the garage before Skylar could put it in the bin.
It's fun watching Kaden focus on the ladybugs on a rose bush, foot prints he has made in the dirt, or hearing him count the clouds as he munches on a grilled cheese sandwich.  Having a little one around is wonderful!!  I know they are messy, loud and it calls for a ton of work. But, I learn a lot from him.  I learn how I should slow down, life is short.  Do, the things I want to do.  Don't fill my day full of stuff that doesn't make me happy.  Eat only when I'm hungry.  Learn constantly, never stop downloading new info.  And be willing to learn from others. Be creative and funny, smile at everyone...it's free.  And don't be afraid to fail.  Stop worrying yourself to death!  There are so many things my little man has taught me. So much love comes from him.  He is growing up so fast.  That's the thing, they are little for such a small amount of time.  I'm thankful we home school, because I can squeeze out as much time as possible with all three of my kids.  It's precious time.  

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