
Autism ~ Squash the Tics

Learning about facial and vocal tics right now.  Kaden has been dealing off and on with a mild case of involuntary sounds and movements for years.  But, the past several months has been filled with consistent grunts, throat clearing and blinks to the point I can't ignore anymore.  His sides and chest ache from the grunts and throat clearing and he gets so annoyed and bothered by his eyes. 
So, I'm on a mission to research and find him some relief.  I have to stay on-top of his supplements and start limiting screen time.  We have been down this road before when we were checking him for a gluten allergy.  I think the hardest thing will be the screen time and increased sleeping or resting time.  Right now I am giving him a magnesium supplement drink, fish oil and CBD oil daily.  Also we will be using essential oils topically and in our diffusers.  It's really about eliminating stress and toxins.
I also would like to start daily meditations and yoga with him.  I have benefited greatly with incorporating these two things daily in my life.  I personally use tapping and brain mapping with huge success, so I would like to be working with him on this as well.  I'll keep updating as we go.....today is Day 1!!

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