
A Break in My Morning.....

So, we have been traveling cross country for 9 weeks and have been home only 2 days.  We have mounds of clothes, food and cleaning to do….but, there is still a flow that needs to remain fluid in order to keep my “inner Peace”.  So, after breakfast my Daughter and I took a quick coffee break and headed to a local Craft Store.  Mind you in the past probably 5 months I have done no personal shopping or “Fun” shopping at all.  Most of my extra energy was used up for our Fantabulous RV Trip that we just took.  And that’s ok, now we are back Home and a new Normal is falling into place one moment at a time.
Tomorrow starts our Full Day of Homeschooling Again.  We school year round so that we are able to take breaks here and there.  We love long weekends, unexpected trips to the beach or mountains and that takes the Kiddos away from their books throughout the year.  For us, year long school works Best!  So, what about you….how do you treat yourself and regroup after a long Family Trip?  DO You school year round or stick to a more Traditional schedule?  I would Love to hear from You!

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