Growing into the Woman God Intended Me to Be......
Embracing the Calmness while Letting Go of the Chaos
YWAM Publishing Heroes of History~ REVIEW
Oh this sweet Family of mine is filled with anxious readers. I can hardly keep enough unread books available to Kaden. This next Review was specifically for him, even though the whole Family joined in on the fun. We were given the opportunity to Review a Physical copy of Heroes of History Orville Wright book and a Digital copy of the Unit Study Guide that goes along with it. Both products were provided to us by YWAM Publishing.
There were many books available to choose from and it was a hard task to narrow it down to this one book. But, we ultimately chose this book because we decided a long time ago that our Kiddos learned best by reading Biographies and supporting literature from time periods we were looking to learn more about. Kaden recently has woken up the Inventor side of himself. He has diagrams, projects in the works and is always putting two uncommon things together to try and make something useful. We have studied many Inventors and Scientist, so I gave Kaden a list of all the options and Orville Wright put a twinkle in Kaden's eye. We started reading right away, sometimes I read books out-loud and sometimes we take turns. But, for this particular book of Kaden's interest he was all over it to read it aloud for the whole Family to listen. It was interesting because I knew of the Wright Brothers and what they did in a general sense because I did learn about them growing up. But, what I enjoyed is that this book told a story of Orville's life. His passions, dreams, set backs, goals and most of all to me their determination. I want my Kiddos to see where determination and a prayer can lead them. I don't remember learning about that growing up in History class. I asked Kaden what his favorite part of the book was and he said the part when he learned how Orville and his brother didn't like to go to church, but out of respect for their Dad and their Dad's beliefs they never worked on Sunday. He said that was God keeping a hand on their hearts. I thought that was sweet too and I also pulled out of him that he liked how the descriptions of the gliders and flights taken were vivid enough for him to see. And I would have to agree with him, this book was very well written and packed full of excitement and a lot anticipation. It was amazing to see what 2 young men from Dayton Ohio could achieve...the world is really ours and the possibilities are endlessly waiting on us to pluck them up and run with them. That's kind of what Kaden and I talked about while reading this book and completing our study guide. The reading really sparked a lot of questions and conversation about Kaden's ideas and dreams. And that is exactly one of the main reasons we read a lot in this house. It opens up the minds of little ones and allows creativity to take place, dreams to develop and information to be collected and stored. In the Digital Study Guide we didn't print anything out, but just copied answers down in Kaden's notebook. One of the exciting things in the study guide was the list of field trip ideas, places to go and visit and more resources and books for further learning. We will be going to the Famous Kitty Hawk in North Carolina this Summer while we are on our road trip. Kaden wasn't too excited about some of the hands on projects in the Student Exploration section.....but Mom was. I thought they were really fun projects like making a story quilt, model helicopter or a series of postcards. But, surprisingly he was more into the essay questions and creative writing...I think he was inspired by the book. And inspiration to me may make me want to grab some paint, glitter and a glue gun...but for Kaden that means making plans, mapping out a diagram of his own inventions and discussing ways to get investors to hop on board. :) I did get him to make some scones as inspired by their Kitty Hawk trip. He mapped out a timeline and all the places mentioned in the book on his wall map. These activities and many many more are listed in the Digital Study Guide. I was impressed with all that it included, many times you get a study guide and it's just copy work, questions and a few activities. This is not the case with this Digital Study Guide, be prepared to really dive into the physical book even deeper with the help of this Guide.
So, what did I think? I enjoyed this little adventure with Kaden. That's how it felt to me...we learned, we were amazed, we created, we dreamed together, we discussed and we ate. All this from a book and a study guide, I say it was a success and I think if you have a Reader or even a Reluctant Reader this would be a great book to add to your Homeschool time. There is a place on everyone's bookshelf for a YWAM Publishing Book. And if this particular Heroes of History book isn't right up your ally they have a TON of other Amazing over now and check them out through Social Media. You wont be disappointed, look for a title that will inspire your Kiddos today and maybe even yourself.
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