Today I get to tell you about an effective way for your Kiddos to brush up on their Math skills and close those pesky Gaps they've been dragging around with them. Last year I was blessed to be introduced to the good people over at A+ Interactive Math. I loved their product back then and I get to share another one of their amazing products now. A+ Interactive Math gave us a year access pass to try and review 2 of their Math Mini-Courses. There are several to pick from and since I would be doing this with Kaden I chose the Measurements and Conversions Mini-Course (2nd-6th grade with 23 lessons) and the Ratio, Proportions, Probability and Statistics Mini-Course (3rd-6th grade with 14 lessons).
Here are Some Math Mini-Courses to pick from:
- Counting and Identifying Numbers (1st-3rd) - 15 lessons
- Place Value and Number Combinations (1st-3rd) - 15 lessons
- Naming, Comparing and Arranging Numbers (1st-3rd) - 17 lessons
- Early Elementary Fractions (1st-3rd) - 10 lessons
- Early Elementary Addition (1st-3rd) - 17 lessons
- Early Elementary Subtraction (1st-3rd) - 15 lessons
- Elementary & Middle School Multiplication (2nd-6th) - 13 lessons
- Elementary & Middle School Division (2nd-6th) - 15 lessons
- Tables, Charts and Graphs (1st-6th) - 17 lessons
- Elementary Geometry (1st-4th) - 19 lessons
- Elementary Algebra (1st-4th) - 27 lessons
- Advanced Geometry (4th-7th) - 35 lessons
- Advanced Fractions (4th-8th) - 26 lessons
- Decimal Numbers (3rd-7th) - 20 lessons
- Percentages (5th-8th) - 13 lessons
- Time (1st-4th) - 20 lessons
- Money (1st-5th) - 18 lessons
- Number Types and Conversions (3rd-6th) - 35 lessons
- Ratio, Proportions, Probability & Statistics (3rd-6th) - 14 lessons
- Measurements and Conversions (2nd-6th) - 23 lessons
Math has been an on-going battle at our house. And even though Kaden is very good at Math he uses different avenues to learn and has a tendency to skip around in those workbooks, use multiple online programs and then there is the traditional text book he uses, but leaves out a chapter here and there. Last year we were able to use a placement test with A+ Interactive Math and we found out several little holes or gaps that he had. Some of them weren't really a big deal. But, then there are those few that if you don't master you can't really be successful later on when the next new concept comes around. After seeing the areas where Kaden needed to work on we decided to focus on them 20 minutes 4 times a week along with what he was already learning for Math. Fast forward to now....and the Math Mini-Courses have been perfect for this. We have been using them for several weeks now and it has given me the reassurance that those gaps are finally closing up.
The Log In is pretty simple and straight forward, one important thing to remember is that you get 2 accounts. One for your Kiddo and one for you. I was having Kaden use mine by accident until I noticed that my teacher reports were available to him. HAHAHAHA It was easy to do from that day on. The Parent's screen is not much different then the child's so make sure you know which one you are on.
With these Math Mini-Courses your Kiddos will begin to fill those gaps and relearn or learn for the first time valuable Math Concepts. We decided to use these two courses 4 days a week. Kaden would log in and easily access his work for the day. This program is perfect for independent learning, though I was always pretty close by to lend a hand. But, Kaden would just log on and head to the video lessons with Interactive Review section first. On days we needed to run errands or days he needed a break from the computer we printed out the materials. I used this method almost half of the time. It was a great option for those days when he was already to over stimulated and needed a break from electronics. Also, he sometimes has a "trigger" finger and knows the correct answer, but clicks the one bellow or above it. We are practicing on slowing his hands down so his brain can catch up. :)

If you asked me how to quickly get your kiddo's Math gaps filled up I would point you in the direction of Math Mini-Courses from A+Interactive Math. Evaluate your Kiddo, identify where those holes are and then get them plugged in. I had never worked on measurements with Kaden before. Now, when he asks for a glass of water he calls it a Pint of water. He's learned the differences between the metric and standard system. I see the confidence in his smile when he tells me he has finished his work. If in the future I detect other gaps I will definitely be looking to add on another Math Mini-Course.
Head on over now with Social Media and see for yourself all the Great things A+Interactive Math has going on!
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