

Ok, so now I am official. No more paper, napkins & late nights lost in thought. I can come here & type until my fingers fall off. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! This is going to be a spot for me to get to know myself, talk about my past, rant about my kids & husband & it's cheaper then therapy! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I have so much I don't even know where to begin.
Maybe, we can do something positive & negative each day. That sounds nice.
Ok, Gripe of the day!
My husband, God please love him. I am very angry at him right now, because I had a father/son over night trip planned with the church. From 5pm Friday- 12pm Sat. Let me say again that it was FREE!!! And he does not want to go, he is busy, busy? I do not think so. My kids are verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry important to me & he is busy! If I said I was busy for every meal I fixed, load of laundry I did, dish I washed, lesson I taught, diaper I changed. (ok you get the picture) Nothing would EVER get done. I am hurt because I want Skylar & Thanh to have a better relationship. He is 14 now & it is important for them I think.
Enough of that for one entry.
Something positive.......
Today I am going shopping to get all the stuff we need for our trip to Malibu. Yipeeeeeeeeeee!!!
And I am baking a cake for Skylar's Birthday party tomorrow. I LOVE shopping, even if it's for dog food. HA
Well, I am off for now, I'll Be BACK!!!!!

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